Thursday, June 26, 2008


Entry for July 12, 2007


Love doesn’t watch its back. Love has faith in justice and waits upon the Truth. Thank God He has reached me and touched my soul. Slow steady conversion is turning me inside out like death over a body. In an instant I was changed but my conversion is eternal. Thank God I have seen His work and felt Loved. Pray the others reach rest.

What news can I speak of that doesn’t seem petty? The strife of our condition echoes again and again. The front pages change dates and names only while the stories progress in their abyssal falling away. I am not shocked by death I am growing comfortable with images of pain on God’s created image…mankind. Pray this end. Hard heart melt. Let faith in Truth protect your love. How else can we survive as souls on this walk through the valley of the shadow of death?

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